Transitive Frontier

Querying Cargo Dependency DAGs with Guppy

dependency graph

guppy is a rust crate that provides tools for working with cargo dependency graphs using the petgraph graph data structure crate. It’s used by Facebook to audit a high-security subset of the cargo dependency graph for some of their more high-visibility projects. Treating the dependency graph resulting from a cargo build operation as a DAG lets us draw on the well-studied field of graph algorithms to answer complex questions about our build without resorting to ad-hoc traversals or re-implementation of common graph primitives.

For my first project using guppy, I decided to build a tool to produce machine-readable summaries describing why some target dependency is included in a cargo workspace’s build graph. My motivation was to support projects that are migrating from futures 0.1 to futures 0.3. Many rust projects started using futures 0.1 for their initial async implementation, and are still in the process of switching over to futures 0.3. If you’re interested in learning more about the differences between the two packages, this blog post by ncameron is a great resource. Being able to easily generate machine-readable reports opens up new possibilities - for example, you could use the output of this tool to build a linter that asserts that no new transitive dependencies on futures 0.1 are introduced into a workspace, to provide tooling-backed assurances that usage of futures 0.1 only ever decreases.

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guppy  rust